Club Underacqueo Udine is an important reality in the regional underwater teaching sector, being able to count on first-rate staff and modern teaching methods, characterized by attention to technique and safety but without losing sight of the fun.
Having fun in safety is therefore our goal and therefore we certainly don't miss trips to warm seas, weekends in Italy or day trips to the Upper Adriatic or to nearby and splendid Croatia.
Our Courses:
ARA: Or Self-Air Respirator or, more simply, scuba diving with cylinders.
We start with the first degree, which enables you to dive in pairs to a maximum depth of 18 meters and in a safety curve, to continue with the second (max depth 30 m) and get up to the third (max depth 42 m).
Then there are the specializations (wrecks, nitrox, night, biology, and dry suit).
The top is achieved with technical courses (advanced nitrox and trimix), for which experience and motivation are necessary.
Freediving: A different but equally fascinating way of visiting underwater wonders, freediving also includes three different levels:
Pure freediving is also accompanied by underwater fishing courses.
Patents and other info
Upon passing the courses, the FIPSAS/CMAS patent recognized throughout the world is issued - the CMAS is the World Confederation of Underwater Activities - necessary above all for diving with cylinders in the various diving centers.
To start you only need a medical certificate of healthy and robust constitution, a mask, fins and snorkel; the wetsuit will only be needed before the start at sea, while we provide the rest of the equipment for beginners included in the registration cost.
Come and discover the fascinating marine world, for more information do not hesitate to contact us!!
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