ASD Aero Club Feltre

Via Fratta 59 32032 FeltreBelluno

Description of ASD Aero Club Feltre

The Asd Aero Club Feltre was founded in 1992 Maurizio Bottegal and boasts 20 years of experience for all those who want to approach flight sports such as the paragliding and the paramotor.

Avant -garde teaching equipment and teaching techniques are used and there are already more than 500 drivers who flew for the first time thanks to the professional preparation of the school.

The paraglio and paramotor courses are both for pilots and for newbies who do not have any flight patent.

The staff of the ASD Aero Club Feltre is always very helpful and attentive to providing each student the adequate preparing based on their skills and learning times.

At the end of the courses, an official exam of the Italian Aero Club is performed for the achievement of the relative patent.

Useful information

13 years Advertised on Yumping
24 Hours response rate


ASD Aero Club Feltre Paragliding

Via Fratta 59 32032 FeltreBelluno

Offers of Paragliding near Feltre


Paragliding flight in Pieve d'Alpago 20m
Paragliding flight in Pieve d'Alpago 20m
8 Bookings Verified
5.00 (2 reviews)


Paragliding flight in the Pieve d'Alpago area 20 min
Paragliding flight in the Pieve d'Alpago area 20 min
2 Bookings Verified


Video paragliding flight around Pieve d'Alpago 20m
Video paragliding flight around Pieve d'Alpago 20m
1 Booking Verified

Description of ASD Aero Club Feltre Paragliding

The course proposed by the ASD Aero Club Feltre Paraglide is divided into 3 distinct phases:

  • Didactic two -seater flight with an instructor; practical exercises in the school field; 5 high solo flights (radio assisted in take -off and on the ground); basic theory aimed at safety; Duration: 3-4 weekend
  • From 6th to 20th high flight with the presence of an instructor; Improvement of take -off techniques, landing and control of the vehicle in flight; reverse take -off techniques for total controlled control control; Weather theory aimed at safety; Duration: 3-4 weekend
  • From the 21st high flight to the exam with the presence of an AECI instructor; Didactic two -seater in thermal; improvement of the piloting techniques in flight and start -up to the sailing flight; use of the speed system; theory for the achievement of the flight certificate; pre exam for the achievement of the flight patent; Official Aero Club of Italy exam for the achievement of the free flight patent; Duration: 3-4 weekend
  • From the first phase, the students are covered by an RCT insurance and an insurance against accidents and all the necessary equipment is provided by the Asd Aero Club Feltre paragliding .

    Paragliding Paragliding Veneto Paragliding Belluno

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    Useful information

    13 years Advertised on Yumping
    24 Hours response rate


    ASD Aero Club Feltre Paramotoring

    Via Fratta 59 32032 FeltreBelluno

    Description of ASD Aero Club Feltre Paramotoring

    Asd Aero Club Feltre Paramotore organizes courses for pilots having the paragliding flight patent and also for students without experience that want to try their hand at the first time in this splendid sport.

    During the course, technical information is given on:

    • Structure of the paramotor and all its components
    • Decollo techniques
    • Rules for wearing the paramotor without forgetfulness
    • Decolol simulations on the ground with the paramotor off
    • refueling and heating on the ground of the paramotor
    • take -off and landing with paramotor
    • improvement of landing techniques aimed at security

    At the end of the course, the students are subjected to a pre -exam for the achievement of the qualification, followed by the official exam of the Aero Club of Italy to obtain the pilot patent of paramotor.

    By contacting the Asd Aero Club Feltre Paramotore you can receive more information regarding the costs and dates of the courses. Send us your contact request!

    Paramotoring Paramotoring Veneto

    Useful information

    13 years Advertised on Yumping
    24 Hours response rate
