Black Jack is an airsoft team but before anything else it is a group of friends who share the same passion for this beautiful sport.
The team was born in the city of Ferrara in 1985, gathering enthusiasts from the territories of the whole province among the first members, who since then, during every weekend, meet to share pleasant hours together dedicated to the practice of airsoft which they love so much passionate.
A short time separates that first "friendly" formation from the more complex structure which was made room for starting in 1997.
From here, fueled by the passion and contribution of all the new recruits, the group gradually expanded until the team officially became part of the A.S. club. Iena Korps of Bologna.
In 1999 theBlack Jackdecided to make the club official by joining the ASNWG.
The team today organizes its matches with a certain regularity, every week and mainly on Sundays, often creating playing opportunities even on midweek dates and at night.
We are divided into teams of different levels to allow everyone to progress and have fun together: contact Black Jack.Black Jack Sofair Ferrara
Ferrara Ferrara (City)
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