TheScaliger Legionwas born in 1999 as an amateur and apolitical sports association.
Like most associations, Legione Scaligera was born from an initial group of enthusiasts, eager to undertake and dedicate themselves to this sport assiduously and as a source of socialization with ever new enthusiasts. p>
In these ten years of activity, many new members have joined the group, enthusiasts who share with us the many opportunities to meet and have fun in the name of the values and sportsmanship that characterize this sport.
The group is particularly flexible regarding times and meetings, respecting the needs of all members, often married or with children, trying not to impose rigid training or competition schedules but instead to accommodate everyone's rhythms .
Every Thursday evening the Scaliger Legion meets to spend time in company and possibly analyze what was done the previous Sunday or evaluate and discuss future projects for participation in events or tournaments.
We use playing fields structured in a realistic and particularly beautiful way, in total regularity and granted by the legitimate owners for the use of the team, we also maintain, thanks to our correct behavior, an excellent relationship with the other clubs, which we respect and from which we come reciprocated in this feeling.
Legione Scaligera is affiliated with Sport Nazionale CNS Fiamma and boasts excellent organization of its activities and internal bodies.
Legione Scaligera
Via Cantarane 1/b Verona (City)