Aquarium World Marine born from the desire to promote the study and knowledge of biodiversity that characterize the world under the sea surface.
The project was conducted by the Positive non-profit Association Posidonia and the Aquarium consulting Company which, counting on didactic competence- scientific of its members, has been able to put the proposals into practice in a center that is nowadays suitable for hosting university students in Marine Biology and Environmental Sciences degree courses with pre and postgraduate courses.
The Marine World Aquarium is divided into three main sections:
The Aquarium World Marine structure is structured in:
and welcomes more than 150 distinct species, including Boxfish, Zebra and Leopard Morays, Barracuda, Blacktip Sharks, Gronchi, Clown Fish, Seahorses and much more.
The center is involved in organizing educational activities aimed at students of every order to which it proposes modular paths, both theoretical and practical, as well as scientific activities in collaboration with Italian and foreign universities and research centers and conservation activities aimed at the preservation of species considered at risk in the Mediterranean basin.
The staff of Aquarium Mondo Marino remains updated in the scientific field thanks to the organization of travels and study expeditions aimed at collecting scientific-didactic material.
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