Speleoclub Garfagnana C.A.I.

Via Vittorio Emanuele 000 Castelnuovo di GarfagnanaLucca

Offers of Caving near Castelnuovo di Garfagnana


4-hour speleological excursion to Fornovolasco
4-hour speleological excursion to Fornovolasco
1 Booking Verified
75€ 6% from

Description of Speleoclub Garfagnana C.A.I.

The explorers from Garfagni gave life to the association in the mid-eighties with the intention of proceeding with the cataloging of the cavities present in the Lucca area, an area with a particular presence of this reality and prolific research activity from a speleo-geological point of view.
Through two fundamental efforts, one directed at the practice of exploration and its increase, the other at the dissemination of research and its results, Speleoclub Garfagnana, supported by the Alpine Club Italian of which he is a part, he carries out his personal contribution to the national speleological panorama, in an attempt to enhance the biodiversity that constitutes a characteristic mark of the province of Lucca and its surroundings.

This mission is pursued with interest and collaboration between old and new associates; you too will be able to become part of this very important direction aimed at research and lots and lots of fun.

Caving Caving Tuscany Caving Lucca Caving Castelnuovo di Garfagnana

Useful information

14 years Advertised on Yumping
