The Club Sommozzatori Padova since 1955 has been promoting underwater activities.
The objective of this center for divers and school of underwater , freediving and swimming , is to bring this fabulous practice closer and make it accessible, the largest number of sea lovers possible.
The center is affiliated to the Italian Federation of Sport Fishing and Underwater Activities ( F.I.P.S.A.S. ) and organizes courses of all levels of:
Together with a wide range of specialty courses complementary to the basic training courses, releasing national and international patents CMAS . p >
At the Club Sommozzatori Padova you will find a climate of passionate professionals, both in the staff of instructors and collaborators, and in the members, many of whom are involved in sports, educational, social promotion and teaching activities diving activity.
Become part of Club Sommozzatori Padova , contact us for more information!
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