Sughereta San Vito

Via San Vito, 6 04020 Monte San BiagioLatina

Offers of Horseback Riding near Monte San Biagio


1 hour horseback ride in Aprilia


Two-hour horseback ride in Pineta Campana
Two-hour horseback ride in Pineta Campana
Latest booking 61 Days

Description of Sughereta San Vito

If you are a nature lover and what you are looking for is always some free time to spend outdoors without thinking about the problems of everyday life, we have what you are looking for.

The Sughereta Villa San Vito is a socio-cultural association whose main objective is to preserve the Italian territory and our ancient traditions and at the same time re-evaluate them so that they can be handed down.

In this sense, the young generations are very important to whom this association wants to address, to teach them what the old generations have handed down to us.

To do this, the Association has set up a project to teach and pass on to young people the traditions in terms of dances, songs and costumes, so that they can learn, not forget them and more importantly, pass them on to future generations.

La Sughereta San Vito organizes an important event called "Historical representation of the ancient technique of harvesting and threshing wheat", very important event to make young people understand how many people lived years ago and how you could live much more simply now.

A twinning was also made between the Association and the Pro Loco of Gressan , an important Italian municipality, with the aim of strengthening the connection with the territory and enhancing the products and traditions. of the two municipalities.

What this association proposes is very interesting and noble, join them and show your love for the territory and tradition.

Horseback Riding Horseback Riding Lazio Horseback Riding Latina

Useful information

7 years Advertised on Yumping
