Tra Cielo e Terra Tours is an association created to offer the opportunity to all nature and sport lovers to live fantastic experiences through sporting disciplines, which allow you to be outdoors .
Located near Cortina d'Ampezzo, the company, created by a group of nature and sport enthusiasts, organizes excursions throughout the year that allow you to practice:
Always well equipped, you will set off to discover enchanting places, where nature reigns supreme and offers the opportunity to admire splendid views.
You will always follow expert guides who will allow you to visit different places.
All participants will certainly have the opportunity to live an unforgettable, but certainly fun, experience.
By contacting Tra Cielo e Terra Tours you can request more information! Don't waste any more time and book your adventure already!
Tra Cielo e Terra Tours Sci is an association, founded in Cortina d'Ampezzo by a group of sports and nature enthusiasts, who aim to promote practice of a sport that attracts more and more people every year.
The center offers the opportunity to all those who want to practice skiing to undertake adventurous descents in the Alps, together with expert instructors who will also teach you the fundamental techniques to descend safely and enjoy an extraordinary experience.
Well equipped, you will spend truly special days on one of the most famous mountain ranges in Europe, which attract thousands of skiers from different foreign countries every year in the winter months.
Adventure will be guaranteed and fun will never be lacking!
By contacting us you can request more information! Tra Cielo e Terra Tours Sci awaits you!
Alleghe » Belluno
Belluno (City) » Belluno
Cortina d'Ampezzo » Belluno
Tra Cielo e Terra Tours MTB is an association, located near Cortina d'Ampezzo, born from the love for nature and outdoor sports of a group of enthusiasts who they try to involve an ever-increasing number of people, encouraging the practice of a sporting activity such as cycling.
Based in Cortina d'Ampezzo, the center made up of an efficient and professional staff, offers the opportunity to indulge in a new and certainly very exciting experience in one of the best-known areas in Italy for holding cycling competitions very important.
Assisted by expert cyclists you can try any type of terrain and ride in any weather condition.
Each activity will take place with technique, safety and lots of fun. By contactingTra Cielo e Terra Tours MTB you can find out more! The adventure awaits you!
Mountain Biking
Cortina d'Ampezzo » Belluno
Mountain Biking
Farra d'Alpago » Belluno
Mountain Biking
Sappada » Belluno
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