Parachuting o consists in jumping from a certain height, using the parachute to cushion the impact of the landing. You jump from a fixed place, called a base, and launch yourself into the void.
It is an absolutely adrenaline-fueled experience and exciting , a thrill that cannot be deprived of in life. Most likely many of you will be frightened by the idea of leaving yourself in the void, but, once done, you will discover that it is just an initial block that, once won, will give you one of the most surprising emotions of your life .
For many, skydiving turns into a real passion , so much so that they tell you the bulk of their free time.
The Association of paratroopers of Florence is one of the oldest and most famous in Italy, born in honor of all fallen paratroopers , in war and in other unfortunate circumstances.
It aims to spread parachuting among young people and clear the taboos that often label it as an extremely dangerous sport.
La Folgore , the name of the team of paratroopers, is made up of highly qualified professionals and highly experienced, who will constantly follow you and give you precise instructions on the entire course of the jump .
Do not be afraid and come and enjoy this extremely exciting and adrenaline-pumping experience. It will be a good way to overcome your fears and have fun at the same time.
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