A.S.D. Acquamania

Via 249 Nr. 7 Punta Prosciutto di Torre Lapillo 73010 Porto CesareoLecce

Offers of Water Sports near Porto Cesareo


Bolentino fishing trip in Salento
Bolentino fishing trip in Salento
3 Bookings Verified

Description of A.S.D. Acquamania

The Diving Center A.S.D. Acquamania promotes and organizes courses aimed at training freedivers, beginners and experts.

The courses are divided into various specialties (Static Apnea, Dynamic Apnea, Constant Weight) and, for the admirers of excursions with

Air Breathing Apparatus (ARA), interesting outings are organized to venture out to discover the seabed.

The training of students is based on the use of the best methodologies and teaching methods available on the market.

During the Apnea National School and A.R.A. NADD topics are extensively covered in physics, underwater physiology, rescue, and post-course training in the pool.

The Diving Center A.S.D. Acquamani a also offers training courses for Spearfishing Instructors, as per the directives of the Italian Federation of Sport Fishing and Underwater Activities.

Useful information

13 years Advertised on Yumping


A.S.D. Acquamania Fishing

Via 249 Nr. 7 Punta Prosciutto di Torre Lapillo 73010 Porto CesareoLecce

Offers of Fishing near Porto Cesareo


Bolentino fishing trip in Salento
Bolentino fishing trip in Salento
3 Bookings Verified

Description of A.S.D. Acquamania Fishing

The Diving Center A.S.D. Acquamania Pesca organizes courses for those who wish to try their hand at spearfishing.

The spearfisher is the first true lover of the sea, the one who wisely knows how to combine passion and respect for an extraordinary and fascinating ecosystem.

Spearfishing is a noble art whose environmental impact is almost nil in relation to the most used professional fishing methods.

It is no coincidence that it is a very ancient discipline practiced by man since its dawn.

The Diving Center A.S.D. Acquamania Pesca organizes National Training courses for Spearfishing Instructors. Contact us to find out about this year's training programs!

Fishing Fishing Apulia Fishing Lecce

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Useful information

13 years Advertised on Yumping


A.S.D. Acquamania Diving

Via 249 Nr. 7 Punta Prosciutto di Torre Lapillo 73010 Porto CesareoLecce

Offers of Diving near Porto Cesareo


Baptism of the sea from the Porto Cesareo beach 30m
Baptism of the sea from the Porto Cesareo beach 30m
1 Booking Verified
60€ 16% from


Open water course in Otranto
Open water course in Otranto

Description of A.S.D. Acquamania Diving

For those who want to learn the techniques of free diving and scuba diving at any level, the Diving Center A.S.D. Acquamania Diving promotes and organizes courses based on the use of the best methodologies and teaching methods available on the market.

The lessons are both practical and theoretical and also cover topics in physics, underwater physiology, rescue, and post-course training in the pool.

Here is the list of scheduled activities:
  • Freediver - freediving initiation that allows you to discover breathing and relaxation techniques and the ability of the human body and mind to adapt to the aquatic world
  • Apnea 1st Level - 1'30 "of static apnea, 25m of dynamic apnea, 8m of depth
  • 2nd level apnea - 2'30 "of static apnea, 50m of dynamic apnea and 15m of deep apnea
  • Apnea 3rd Level - 3 'of static apnea, 75m of dynamic apnea and reaching 25m of apnea in constant weight
  • Instructor Assistant - training for those who wish to assist instructors and deepen theoretical and practical teaching techniques
  • Children Diving - introduces the youngest to the underwater adventure
  • Discovery Diver - consists of a short theoretical introduction and a practical session, which in the opinion of the Assistant Instructor, can be carried out in the pool or in confined water
  • Novice Scuba Diver - provides students with the techniques and knowledge to dive under the direct supervision of a NADD Instructor Member
  • Open Water Diver - enables you to dive with open air circuit, using the couple system, to a maximum depth of 18 meters
  • Advanced O.W.D. - you become familiar with differentiated underwater activities where a real and in-depth practical experience is required (deep diving, night diving and underwater navigation)
  • Rescue Diver - to learn accident management procedures and dive rescue practices
The Diving Center A.S.D. Acquamania Diving also organizes meetings and internships to provide students with opportunities to meet, update and be together while having fun.

Diving Diving Apulia Diving Lecce Diving Porto Cesareo

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Useful information

13 years Advertised on Yumping
