Asd Spinout

Lungomare Adriatico 30019 ChioggiaVenice

Description of Asd Spinout

The Asd Spinout is a sports association born in Sottomarina di Chioggia in 1996, from the passion of its founders for the sea, the wind and the waves.

The school is one of the first kitesurfing and surfing schools in Italy.

The school offers surf and kite courses with highly qualified and certified instructors, in fact the school as well as being associated with ASI, has associated with the FISN and has obtained the recognition of the CONI.

The team of instructors is a group of very close-knit people with a passion for the wind who will make you learn these fantastic sports with simplicity and joy. Both Kite and Surf courses are based on experience level and are divided into:

  • course for beginners
  • intermediate course
  • advanced course

In addition to giving its users the opportunity to experience water sports first hand, the Asd Spinout guys organize numerous snowboard courses for all levels of preparation during the winter season.

Let Asd Spinout guide you during your activities. Whether it's summer or winter, Asd Spinout is for you!

Contact us for more information!

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13 years Advertised on Yumping


Asd Spinout Kitesurfing

Lungomare Adriatico 30019 ChioggiaVenice

Description of Asd Spinout Kitesurfing

The Asd Spinout Kitesurf is a Kitesurf school born in Sottomarina di Chioggia in 1996, thanks to the passion for the sea and the water sports of a group of young people making it one of the first Kitesurfing schools in Italy .

The school, associated with ASI and FISN, is recognized by CONI as a sports association and authorized to carry out the activity itself.

Asd Spinout organizes kitesurfing courses for all levels of preparation, providing trained staff who will guide you during the educational path so that at the end of the lessons you will have full mastery of kitesurfing .

The courses are divided into:

  • basic course : follows the official FISN teaching, the aim of the course is to give a complete picture of this fantastic sport.
  • advanced course : is reserved for students who have already learned the basics. In this course you work to maintain the correct direction and manage the pace, changes of direction.

The school also organizes national and international transfers in various commercials in Italy and around the world.

The Asd Spinout Kitesurf is waiting for you! For information do not hesitate to contact!

Kitesurfing Kitesurfing Veneto

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13 years Advertised on Yumping


Asd Spinout Surfing

Lungomare Adriatico 30019 ChioggiaVenice

Description of Asd Spinout Surfing

The Asd Spinout Surf is a well-known Surf school based in Sottomarina di Chioggia , one of the first schools in Italy. Born in 1996 from the passion for the sea , for the wind, for the waves and above all for the passion for sea sports .

The school, associated with ASI and FISN, counts on a highly respected staff who will be at the complete disposal of users thanks to the certification of CONI as a sports association.

Wave surfing is a very particular and fascinating sport, the team will help you to become familiar with this sport without getting discouraged, starting from basic movements up to the more complicated maneuvers.

The association offers courses divided by levels in groups ranging from 1 to 3 people:

  • Course beginner : theory, operation, how to enter the water with the surfboard, balance and board management
  • Intermediate Course : how to catch waves, taking care of the technique, error correction
  • Course Advanced : perfecting the technique.

To receive all the information you need, contact us! Asd Spinout is at your complete disposal.


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13 years Advertised on Yumping


Asd Spinout Paddle Boarding

Lungomare Adriatico 30019 ChioggiaVenice

Description of Asd Spinout Paddle Boarding

The passion for the boards that slide on the sea has led to the creation of this association based in Chioggia which offers all its users great opportunities to choose between water sports . One of these, which is becoming more and more popular in recent times, is the Paddle Surf .

Paddle Surf is synonymous with fun and at the same time physical activity . Paddle Surf , which is a sport derived from the fusion of surfing and kayaking, allows you to surf the board in an upright position using a paddle as propulsion. You will have the opportunity to visit the coast in calm sea conditions and, with rough seas, you will be able to challenge and ride the waves .

From a physical point of view, Paddle Surf is a complete sport because moves all the muscles of the body including arms, to facilitate movement, legs and abdominals to improve the balance during activity.

Paddle Surf is not a very complicated sport but Asd Spinout offers you personalized courses and lessons to improve your surfing technique. Depending on your level of preparation, Asd Spinout proposes group courses, individual courses or hourly lessons to be able to adjust the courses to your liking.

The only requirement to be able to participate in the courses is to register with the sports association which includes insurance.

Paddle Boarding Paddle Boarding Veneto

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13 years Advertised on Yumping


Asd Spinout Snowboarding

Lungomare Adriatico 30019 ChioggiaVenice

Description of Asd Spinout Snowboarding

Gli appassionati di tavola non hanno prefers tra estate ed inverno. I ragazzi di Asd Spinout with the creation of quest'associazione vogliono permettere a tutti di divertirsi tutto l'anno, che ci siano 30 gradi in un'accaldato giorno d'agosto os ottozero a fare evoluzioni nelle motagne innevate .

Asd Spinout , grazie ai parrot istruttori appassionati e with great experience alle spalle, make available corsi di snowboard per tutte persone with lezioni rivolte sia ai principianti che a coloro abbiamo già a buon livello di preparazione.

On the part of the corsi di Asd Spinout dovrai fare l ' iscrizione all'associazione which will include the assicurazione during le lezioni and l'opportunità di avere riduzione nell'acquisto degli skipass . Potrai scegliere, a volta terminato il corso, say I will continue the tua esperienza with the snowboard affitting l'attrezzatura Necessary per il quale avrai pieno appoggio del nostro staff che sarà available to darti tutti and consigli di cui avrai bisogno.

Non esitare a contattarci per avere maggiori informazioni, Asd Spinout you aspetta!


Useful information

13 years Advertised on Yumping
