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Cultura del Mare

Marina di Aquatica 7041 AlgheroSassari
Sailing in Sardinia
Sailing courses

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Cultura del Mare

Water Sports

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Ofertas de Water Sports cerca de Alghero


Fishing excursion to Golfo Aranci 4h
Fishing excursion to Golfo Aranci 4h

Descripción de Cultura del Mare

Cultura del Mare is an amateur sailing association, created with the aim of spreading the passion for the sea and above all for sailing.

Through a series of activities, the center wants to involve more and more people and convey their love for the sea, offering them the possibility to choose between:

  • Boat Excursion
  • Sailing
  • Boat Rental

Always in the company of competent staff you can discover the wonders of the sea in total safety and spend hours of pure relaxation and lots of fun, learning to love and respect it.

You will be able to live a different experience, far from the city, leaving your usual routine for a while to experience life by the sea.

By contacting Cultura del Mare you can request more information and book your holiday!

Don't hesitate to get in touch with us!

Información útil

13 años anunciado en yumping
