
Via Sorteni, 7 (zona S.Fruttuoso) 20052 MonzaMonza Brianza

Description of Marvèlia

Sailing is wonderful, but requires training. The Marvèlia Sailing School offers sailing courses at sea and lake for those who wish to deepen their knowledge or learn from scratch.

Thanks to the passion and professionalism of the instructors of Marvèlia Sailing Holiday School, who combine practical and theoretical lessons, you will gradually learn to enjoy sailing.

Furthermore, for those who want to immediately test themselves with the most fun aspects of sailing, whatever the level, it will be possible to take part in the many regatta opportunities in which the school participates on the Riviera.

In fact, not only does our center also offer the possibility of renting various boats based on the location from which your conquest of the nautical world will begin; the ports of departure are located in:

  • Lake Como
  • Ligurian Riviera
  • Tuscan archipelago

The boat is not for you and you want to experience the sea in a more adrenaline-filled way, we offer kitesurfing courses for all tastes. Our courses can last a weekend or a whole week based on customer availability.

What are you waiting for to dive into a world of water sports? In Marvèlia we are waiting for you.

Useful information

13 years Advertised on Yumping


Marvèlia Sailing

Via Sorteni, 7 20052 MonzaMonza Brianza

Description of Marvèlia Sailing

Marvèlia è un'associazione che nasce per trasmettere la sua passione a tutti coloro che hanno il desiderio di mettersi in gioco ed imparare a unique sport nel suo generate che ti permette di stare a stretto contatto con nutara.

Marvèlia offre corsi di vela per tutti, infatti grazie all'esperienza dei nostri grandi esperti, potrai odd a veleggiare eats a specie . I nostri corsi if I divide in a theoretical part , it would be necessary for you to stop me tecinche che ti serviranno per mettere in moto un'imbarcazione and start the tua conquest to the world, ed a practical part che ti proietterá faccia a faccia with the sport della barca under sail.

I corsi che offriamo sono di diverse type eats:
  • deriva
  • skiff
  • cabinato
I nostri corsi sono per chiunque, infatti grazie alla grande esperienza dei nostri istruttori, potrai vivere un'esperienza in complete sicurezza , infatti non sará Necessary some previous experience.

Nostra associazione offre anche corsi estivo appositamente creato per i più piccoli, il "estivo sul sul lago di Como".

Non aspettare, contattaci e appassionati subito alla vela.

Sailing Sailing Lombardy

Useful information

13 years Advertised on Yumping


Marvèlia Kitesurfing

Via Sorteni, 7 20052 MonzaMonza Brianza

Description of Marvèlia Kitesurfing

Sei in Cerca di Avventure Forti, il kitesurf è quello che fa to the tuo case . Infatti grazie there'uso dei a candle e of the proverai il brivido di librarti tra l'aria and il mare vento, surfacing and frying sulle onde.

Il kite surf è uno sport che nasce dall ' join a sail, say a table and say so much wind . Infatti using the candle eats potting trolley potrai creare delle evoluzioni sull'acqua proving emozioni indimenticabili.

In our center, the possivilitá di scegliere diverse typology of corsi, tutti personalizzati, per farvi imparare the meglio questo sport e per guaranty the complete sicurezza a volta sulla tavola. Il corso base foresees a brief theoretical lezione , dopodichè imparerai le diverse manovre , eats the break of terra a da mare and eats piloting the candle to your favor.

Il tutto nel the magnificent scenario of the lake che offre a constant contact with nature and the possibilitá di godersi a unique panorama , living with the own experience 100%, senza doversi preoccupare dei pericoli che, on the contrary, potremmo incontrare in mare.

Non aspettare, contattiti e diventa subito unn esperto di kitesurf.

Kitesurfing Kitesurfing Lombardy

Useful information

13 years Advertised on Yumping


Marvèlia Boat Rental

Via Sorteni, 7 20052 MonzaMonza Brianza

Description of Marvèlia Boat Rental

You want to spend a weekend outside the city walls. Come and visit us and rent a boat for your weekend or for your summer holidays? Here you will find all the solutions that are right for you.

In our center we give you the possibility to rent your boat at different points such as:

  • on Lake Como;
  • in Liguria.

Our boats on Lake Como will be about 6 meters long and can accommodate up to 6 people and we will give you the opportunity to rent them for a day or a weekend.

If you prefer the sea, the solutions are various, in fact pertendo from Liguria, and more precisely from the Gulf of La Spezia, you will have the opportunity to discover numerous coasts, such as the Côte d'Azur, Corsica or again, Tuscany and its beautiful islands.

Not only that, in fact you can also decide to venture on a sailing excursion through the magnificent world of the 5 Terre , enjoying breathtaking landscapes and a boat adventure that you can tell anyone. In short, a weekend that you will certainly not forget.

In short, if your plan for the weekend is to go by boat, do not wait to contact us.

Boat Rental Boat Rental Lombardy

Useful information

13 years Advertised on Yumping
