Venice Boat Service is the company you can contact in order to navigate in a safe and engaging way. Coming to visit you at our headquarters in Venice you can rely on expert staff and opt for:
We also take care of providing sales services, after-sales assistance, supply and installation of accessories, yacht management, mooring and storage, nautical practices.
Quality and seriousness are characteristics that make our services unique. By relying on our company you will certainly not be disappointed.
Do not hesitate to get in touch with Venice Boat Service and request more information!
The nautical company Venice Boat Service Vela has been promoting services for several years that allow navigation to be tackled in the best possible way. Our office is located in Venice and is made up of a staff that allows you to participate in advanced courses to improve your navigation techniques.
These are activities that allow you to become familiar with a boat, especially when it is new.
Expert skippers will follow you at the beginning and, if necessary, also in the following phases. Don't give up on sailing and rely on Venice Boat Service Vela !
By filling out the appropriate form you can get in touch with our staff and satisfy your curiosity. Don't give up on experiencing the sea and trying sailing!
Chioggia » Venice
Chioggia » Venice
Caorle » Venice
Venice Boat Service Boat Rental is a company with years of experience behind it in the nautical sector. At our headquarters in Venice, you will have the opportunity, among the many services we offer, to opt for boat rental.
We have modern and safe boats that will allow you to travel as long as you want. You can choose between:
Our staff will always be at your disposal to try to help you in the stages of your choice and decide to sail on a boat that suits your needs.
You will sail with maximum safety thanks to Venice Boat Service Boat Rental ! By consulting our staff you can find out more!
Boat Rental
Chioggia » Venice
Boat Rental
Chioggia » Venice
Boat Rental
Caorle » Venice
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