Toscana Nordic Walking a.s.d. organizes Nordic walking activities and courses in the province of Florence, Prato, Pistoia, Arezzo and Siena.
The main objective of this association based in the Tuscan capital is the dissemination of the practice of Nordic Walking through the involvement and active participation of all those who love walking in company and in the open air, helping to create a pleasant and valid combination between the well-being given by the practice of physical activity and the pleasure of being together.
The association, recognized by the sports promotion body AICS, accredited to CONI, makes use of the valuable experience of qualified instructors , who will be able to introduce you to the fascinating world of Nordic Walking through the learning of 5 phases that make up the basic technique , through a didactic method specially designed to make learning easy for both young and old subjects.
Contact Toscana Nordic Walking a.s.d. for more information on our proposals.
Toscana Nordic Walking A.S.D.
Viale Matteotti 38 Firenze (City)