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Segway Rome Tours

Via Duilio, 13 00192 Roma (City)Rome
On tour in Rome
By Segway to the Colosseum

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Segway Rome Tours


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Ofertas de Segway cerca de Roma (City)


Segway Angel Tour (2 hours 30 min), Rome


Roman holidays on Segway (3h), Rome
Roman holidays on Segway (3h), Rome

Descripción de Segway Rome Tours

Segway Rome Tours takes you to discover Rome in a comfortable, ecological and safe way.

The Segway is the best way to get around the city during your tourist forays, it is charged with electricity, it is easy to drive and allows you to move up to twenty kilometers.

The idea of Segway Rome Tours was born from this: the great love for our city and the desire to spread a culture of tourism that safeguards it.

We are young, confident and eager to meet people from all over the world, so we will be happy to accompany you to the discovery of our extraordinary city and show you in depth all the beauties and fascinating historical vicissitudes of the areas we will visit.

You just have to choose the path that's right for you between:

  • Historic Tour : three hours between Castel Sant'Angelo, San Pietro, Piazza Navona, Pantheon, Altare della Patria, Colosseum, Imperial Forums, Piazza di Spagna, Piazza del Popolo, Via del Corso with end of the tour in Castel Sant'Angelo,
  • Lovely Tour : two hours visiting Castel Sant’Angelo, Via del Corso, Trevi Fountain, Piazza di Spagna, Villa Borghese, Piazza del Popolo and then returning to Castel Sant’Angelo,
  • Classic Tour : two hours to see Castel Sant’Angelo, San Pietro, Piazza Navona, Pantheon, Altare della Patria, Colosseum, Imperial Forums, Via del Corso, and return.

From the age of sixteen, Segway Rome Tours allows you to experience a day like a true Roman.

Don't miss the opportunity, visit the Eternal City with us!

Segway Segway Lazio Segway Rome Segway Roma (City)

Información útil

12 años anunciado en yumping
