Lussari Sport

Via Alpi Giulie, 44 33018 TarvisioUdine

Description of Lussari Sport

Lussari Sport is a center that has been working for some time to offer quality services to all its customers.

Based in Tarvisio, in the province of Udine, the association offers the opportunity to learn more about sports such as:

  • Sci
  • Cross-country skiing
  • Snowboard
  • Snowshoes
  • Nordic Walking

Experience and professionalism characterize our services which include, among other things, ski rental, allowing everyone to participate in activities that allow you to experience the mountains in a different and completely fun way.

Our staff will allow you to participate in training courses that will give you the opportunity to learn to ski with safety and skill in order to engage in extraordinary descents on the snowy slopes.

Lussari Sport will not disappoint you! Contact us!

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13 years Advertised on Yumping


Lussari Sport Skiing

Via Alpi Giulie, 44 33018 TarvisioUdine

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Description of Lussari Sport Skiing

Lussari Sport Sci is a center that has long been involved in promoting sports activities that allow you to experience nature in a different and very exciting way.

At our headquarters in Tervisio in the province of Udine, you can come and meet us and take advantage of our services.

A group of ski instructors will allow you to participate in:

  • Group alpine skiing courses
  • Individual alpine skiing courses

Everyone, both adults and children, will be able to follow the lessons held by expert staff who, through modern techniques, will allow them to learn how to maneuver skis in complete autonomy, acquiring ever greater safety.

Don't miss out on a new opportunity to experience the mountains one hundred percent! By contacting Lussari Sport Sci you can request more details!


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13 years Advertised on Yumping


Lussari Sport Snowboarding

Via Alpi Giulie, 44 33018 TarvisioUdine

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Offers of Snowboarding near Tarvisio

Description of Lussari Sport Snowboarding

Lussari Sport Snowboard based in Tarvisio in the province of Udine, offers a series of services that allow you to experience the snow-capped mountain in an alternative way.

If you like skiing and want to experience something new, you can take part in the following activities:

  • Individual Snowboard Courses
  • Group Snowboard Courses

Our staff will give you the opportunity to learn how to maneuver the snowboard and to acquire the fundamental skills that will allow you to try your hand at adrenaline-pumping descents on the slopes.

Adventure and passion for skiing will allow you to experience something new and completely fun.

By contacting Lussari Sport Snowboard you can request more information and book your training course! Adventure awaits you!

Snowboarding Snowboarding Friuli-Venezia Giulia Snowboarding Udine Snowboarding Tarvisio

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Scuola Italiana Sci Carnia Snowboarding

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Scuola Sci Sella Nevea Snowboarding

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13 years Advertised on Yumping


Lussari Sport Snowshoeing

Via Alpi Giulie, 44 33018 TarvisioUdine

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Offers of Snowshoeing near Tarvisio

Description of Lussari Sport Snowshoeing

Lussari Sport Ciaspole wants to promote the knowledge of places where nature reigns, through various types of activities that allow you to play sports and at the same time experience extraordinary adventures.

Our staff, during the winter months, is dedicated to organizing excursions with snowshoes and allows you to spend special days.

With a pair of snowshoes you can cross paths, valleys and snowy woods and enjoy unique sensations.

The whitewashed mountain will give you evocative views that will leave you with great memories and the desire to try the experience again.

The guides will take you to places you've never seen before and which, covered with snow, take on a completely different aspect.

Don't miss a new opportunity to experience the mountains! By contacting Lussari Sport Ciaspole you will know more details!

Snowshoeing Snowshoeing Friuli-Venezia Giulia Snowshoeing Udine Snowshoeing Tarvisio

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13 years Advertised on Yumping


Lussari Sport Cross-Country Skiing

Via Alpi Giulie, 44 33018 TarvisioUdine

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Description of Lussari Sport Cross-Country Skiing

Lussari Cross Country Skiing has for some time been allowing all interested parties to take part in activities that encourage the learning of a discipline that allows you to experience new adventures while being in direct contact with the snow.

Our staff organizes every year:

  • Individual cross-country skiing courses
  • Group cross-country skiing courses

With a lot of passion and a lot of good will all the students will be able to learn how to maneuver cross-country skis and juggle on suitable slopes.

With the right modern and reliable equipment you can follow our teachers, who through theoretical and practical lessons will allow you to learn a new discipline.

Don't give up on something new! Contact Lussari Sport Cross Country Ski and you will know more!

Cross-Country Skiing

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13 years Advertised on Yumping


Lussari Sport Ski rental

Via Alpi Giulie, 44 33018 TarvisioUdine

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Offers of Ski rental near Tarvisio

Description of Lussari Sport Ski rental

Lussari Sport Ski Rental is aimed at all those who want to experience the mountains in an alternative way, promoting the knowledge of sports that allow you to stay in direct contact with the snow.

If you like the cold and love to ski, but you don't have the necessary equipment, you can take advantage of our ski rental service and set off to discover new places.

Our staff will guide you through the stages of your choice in order to allow you to opt for items that can make you comfortable and that allow you to face new and exciting adventures on the ski slopes.

We have articles of various kinds, suitable for every type of skier.

Trust our experience and you will not be disappointed! Lussari Sport Ski Rental awaits you!

Ski rental Ski rental Friuli-Venezia Giulia Ski rental Udine Ski rental Tarvisio

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13 years Advertised on Yumping


Lussari Sport Nordic Walking

Via Alpi Giulie, 44 33018 TarvisioUdine

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Description of Lussari Sport Nordic Walking

Lussari Sport Nordic Walking promotes the practice of sports that allow you to stay in direct contact with nature, encouraging the discovery of new places rich in vegetation.

You can come and visit us at our office and together with our staff, try your hand at Nordic wlaking, spending wonderful days outdoors.

You will dedicate yourself to a sport that does not require any kind of physical ability and that has no age limits.

In fact, everyone will be able to participate in interesting excursions that will allow them to practice sports and at the same time visit new places.

In the company of experts you can face exciting days!

Don't miss out on a new chance to experience the adventure with Lussari Sport Nordic Walking !

Nordic Walking

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13 years Advertised on Yumping
