The section C.A.I. di Treviso includes and brings together, around the passion for the mountains, activities ranging from culture to mountaineering, through hiking, ski mountaineering and mountain biking.
The knowledge and practice of the various disciplines is taught in our courses , in which not only the fundamental technical aspects are transmitted to be able to safely attend the alpine environment, but above all the human value that the mountain teaches.
The CAI is a detached section of the Italian Alpine Club that offers the possibility of:
You can come and meet us in summer or winter and try your hand at amazing outdoor adventures.
Contact CAI Treviso and request more details!
CAI Treviso Sci is a center that belongs to the Italian Alpine Club and is dedicated to spreading the practice of sports activities that allow you to experience nature to the fullest.
Inside the C.A.I. Treviso is present the group " I Logorai ", which brings together those who practice ski mountaineering : a group of friends united by a passion for the mountains, for nature and for movement.
Much attention is paid to safety through refresher courses and exercises of people overwhelmed in avalanches and on the use of the transceiver, including the course made available from the Predazzo Alpine School, held in the Passo Rolle barracks.
The "I Logorai" group collaborates with the "E.Castiglioni" school of Mountaineering, Climbing and Ski Mountaineering in organizing basic and advanced level ski mountaineering courses .
Adventure and passion for the mountains will be your travel companions that will allow you to experience great emotions.
Together with our guides you will go to the discovery of wonderful places, admiring suggestive views that will leave you wanting to return.
With good equipment and a great desire for adventure you can enjoy unique and unforgettable days.
CAI Treviso Sci awaits you! Contact us!
CAI Treviso Trekking belongs to the Italian Alpine Club and has been targeting all adventure lovers for years through activities that allow you to always experience new adventures.
The hiking group gathers mountain walking enthusiasts, who have usually attended a hiking course.
To all those who intend to approach this wonderful discipline, we recommend a basic hiking course, thanks to which you will be able to learn the basic notions for a conscious and safe approach.
Nature and adventure will be the theme of our excursions that will give you the opportunity to experience great emotions.
Don't think about it much and come and visit us at our office!
By contacting CAI Treviso Trekking you can request more information and book the excursion or course you prefer!
Fonte » Treviso
Treviso (City) » Treviso
Volpago del Montello » Treviso
CAI Treviso MTB is a detached section of the Italian Alpine Club. within the section or as supporters they use the mountain bike to move in the mountains.
The intent is to give participants the rudiments of discipline and above all the culture of going to the mountains respecting nature and other users of the environment , in accordance with art. 1 of the Statute of the CAI and the Bidecalogo approved in 1981.
Alone or in company you can come and meet us and spend wonderful days with us, crossing paths of various types, in which the green nature that reigns offers wonderful views.
Riding a mountain bike you will have the opportunity to ride for several kilometers and discover new places.
By contacting our office you can learn more about the excursions!
CAI Treviso MTB awaits you!
Mountain Biking
Vittorio Veneto » Treviso
Mountain Biking
Fonte » Treviso
Mountain Biking
San Pietro di Feletto » Treviso
The C.A.I. Treviso thanks to its internal group "I neveganti" organizes excursions with snowshoes .
The activity of snowshoeing is one of the fundamental hiking activities to be carried out in the high mountains in the winter months, through our proposals we provide an important contribution to raising awareness on the issue of safety in the mountains. In fact, winter activity exposes hikers to dangers such as the triggering of avalanches.
The aim of the group is to sensitize its members to a safe attendance of the mountain , teaching them to know and distinguish dangerous situations.
Contact us for our annual calendar of activities!
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Request Information FREECAI Treviso Snowboard organizes ski touring even with the board.
snowboard mountaineering is an activity, in fact, which consists in the descent of mountains using the snowboard; while the ascent takes place with the help of snowshoes.
The practice of this discipline requires, in addition to snowboarding techniques, also the necessary knowledge to be able to move safely in a snowy environment.
The necessary equipment is the same as that used in the practice of ski mountaineering (mainly ARTVA, shovel and probe).
With CAI Treviso Snowboard you can access high mountain hiking activities accompanied by qualified and experienced staff, who will know how to prepare you on the techniques necessary to maintain a high level of safety.
CAI Treviso Climbing has a section dedicated to climbing activities on rock , ice and mountaineering .
To practice the activity, both in the mountaineering and in the rock climbing variant, it is essential to have a wealth of previous knowledge to be able to tackle this particular sport safely.
For this reason it is essential, for those who intend to approach these activities, to have followed at least one course, CAI Treviso Climbing collaborates with the Ettore Castiglioni School of Mountaineering and Climbing.
For those who already have some practice with mountaineering and climbing it will be possible to join the sudret group.
Contact us for more information!
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The C.A.I. Treviso of Nordic Walking refers to the Hiking Commission.
The pleasure of practicing the activity, which is carried out using sticks similar to those used in cross-country skiing, in the midst of the wonderful scenery that nature offers.
Compared to normal walking, Nordic Walking involves applying force to the poles with each step. This will ensure that you can use practically all the main muscle groups: chest, back, triceps, biceps, shoulders, abs and spines, for a contemporary level of training, absolutely absent in normal walking.
Contact us to find out about our annual events!
Nordic Walking
Treviso (City) » Treviso
Nordic Walking
Volpago del Montello » Treviso
Nordic Walking
Casale sul Sile » Treviso
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